Google just made what you wanted

Welcome to Know and Grow, the no.1 place where you can caught the interesting things on the go.I'm Rahul the author of this article. In this article I am going to discuss about the what google did to the google assistant which we all wanted in making it a step closer to making it the ultimate science- fiction experiment like Jarvis. I’m going to give you a few reasons why you should join our email list today using the pop-up menu. There’s some amazing stuff that’s only available to our email subscribers, so be sure to sign up and join the email list today. You're going to get exclusive content and a chance to shape the show. You can help us help you serve better by expressing your interest and much more. You can even submit your own questions which I will hope to answer on and much, much more. Be sure to sign up and join the email list. There’s some incredible stuff, but only subscribers who are on the email list are getting access to this awesome information. I want to tell you about one of our earlier article about self driving ships, a partnership between google and Rolls Royce. If you want to know about that article make sure you check it out using the link given below.
Self driving!!!! Ships is it true
Now coming to the the present article Google has launched the improved version of Google assistant in the recently concluded Google I/O, which all of you know in case you missed it here a link to the video below. 
Keynote (Google I/O '18)
Everyone, kinda where blown away by the make Google spoke like a human to book an appointment and all the other things included. Everyone where skeptical about the unknown of the whether you are talking a AI induced robot or a human as it did the hmm...'s and the ahh.... identically like a human while its great to a view the advancement of technology. People where like it would be nice to know if you are talking to an AI at front itself. While google has taken this feedback about this matter and did it like a pro. It's nice to know that big tech companies listen to their consumers unlike others. An YouTube video been released to showcase this by google themselves. Click the link below to witness the magic.  
The Google Assistant can help you get things done over the phone
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