Shakespeare's influence on you

Shakespeare, like any great writer, is a product of his time and place. His genius lies in unveiling the timeless truths of the human condition and dramatizing them in a way that is universally appealing. We should appreciate his works for their sheer quality rather than reject them as relics of colonialism.
Thousands of words, and hundreds of expressions and phrases, in English owe their existence in our contemporary idiom to him. Millions of English-speakers today, from America to Zimbabwe and certainly including India, quote Shakespeare every day without even realizing it. " What is a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" we are probably conscious that we are citing Romeo and Juliet. But the same is not true when we utter common words like baseless, disgraceful, gloomy, suspicious or inauspicious, all of which have no recorded usage before Shakespeare brought them into the language. When we "break the ice" with someone, we are citing The Taming of the Shrew; when we await something with"baited breath" we have borrowed from The Merchant of Venice, and when we describe someone as "fancy-free" we are quoting A Midsummer Night's Dream. When we expressing a passionate grief that "parting is such sweet sorrow" we are unconsciously referring to the"Star-Crossed Lovers" in Romeo and Juliet. But even the less poetic banalities "for goodness' sake", "good riddance" and, yes," knock knock! Who's there?" Originated with Shakespeare ( in Henry VIII, Troilus and Cressida and Macbeth, respectively).
It is certain that Shakespeare wrote at least two plays that have been lost - titled Cardenio, and Love's Labour's Won. It's likely that Shakespeare wrote many more plays that have been lost.
Yes, Shakespeare still matters. Greatness isn't diminished by its misappropriation by others for their own purposes. Shakespeare's greatness is unquestionable. That is why his 400th death anniversary this year is still worth celebrating.

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