Data is the New Oil

Welcome to Know and Grow, the place where you can catch interesting things on the go.I'm Rahul the author of this article. In this article, I am going to discuss How Data is going to be the new oil. Now, I’m going to give you a few reasons why you should join our email list today using the pop-up menu. There’s some amazing stuff that’s only available to our email subscribers, so be sure to sign up and join the email list today. You're going to get exclusive content and a chance to shape the blog. You can help us help you serve better by expressing your interest and much more. You can even submit your own questions which I will try to answer and much, much more. Be sure to sign up and join the email list. I want to tell you about one of our earlier article about How in the recently concluded Reliance Industries ARM (21) how Jio is adapting to an exchange program similar to the one which Apple does in its iPhone exchange program If you want to know about that article make sure you check it out using the link given below.

When Jio does an Apple

While in my last article I had touched upon the sensitive subject of the money powered
Reliance Industries trying heavily to build the future of the company through investing and hard-arming the competition like the freebies which the Rel gave the when the company launched Jio and is the reasons why people like me are using the internet. Reliance Industries is the known for the Petroleum branch it has and also the company years of money making it has done in that industries its been time. While time an again people have said that the petroleum isn't going to last like about the next 5 - 10 years or so as seen by the success of Tesla in the US while in the domestic market the Auto players like Mahindra & Mahindra is already in the electric vehicle business while these cars aren't threatening the gasoline vehicles I think they are a step towards the future where the solar-powered electric vehicles can take over their petroleum counterparts.

Reliance Industries has realized this and while they are hard-arming themselves into to the internet space where India is seen as gold in the business place while companies like Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, etc., are making timely attempts in entering India and grabbing an opportunity to make early inroads in the population where only 300 million out of the 1.4 billion people haven't owned their first smartphones yet. The Google free Wifi network set-up in railway stations is also rumored to be coming to public places like Malls, etc., the world is also seeing the likes of Alibaba and Tencent offering cloud services much like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud services which is against them. While data and privacy being the talks of cases like facebook's data breach which is throwing facebook in a very sensitive space. Companies are aware of this fact and are going after data in a big time. This Why I think data is going to be the new oil. How you enjoyed it see you in the next one guy's Bye!!!! Take Care!!!!!

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