Life is Pathetic

Nobody has a great life from birth to death.So, you don't need to get all
Why is my life? How am I going to survive such a life and all that?
Whenever you think life is a lost road think of all the good stuff you had in your life, this makes you move forward in your life, refreshing your memories actually refreshes you to a whole new level that when you are going to make a decision you think straight and that's What makes you memories interesting. Always have a picture of you in your most intimate moments I thought at one point of my life that pictures were stupid and were cliches. Then, after a year when you see it, it will be the greatest gift you have given yourself. Don't think of the fact that everyone is judging you, this is a very bad habit and this needs to be removed from your life. These things go to a point of your life where you forget about What you want in life? and start thinking of what your surrounding will think of you. Life is hard but isn't those things make the life What it is? Without which we will say that life is boring, nobody will be the way they are now. No one in this world is born with fear or poverty or illness and go the same way if that was the case wouldn't it be idiotic. As you think that life doesn't give you any opportunities and that you're always being left out of the good things take a moment and see what have done had to have to get the chance that you have lost in life. This will give you a self-evaluation of yourself. You can't think that the other person had a good chance in life which is sheer luck. Luck, fortune, etc., are all things a person says when he does not have the guts to sacrifice to attain What you want in life and the people who talk about luck usually don't see the failures and sacrifices the man has made to attain this position and the next time you say the other person had a luck please think from his point of view. So, make your mind up and say that the words like luck, fortune are all not known to you and the thing is its human nature to propose a luck factor on a successful person but, those guys don't see the real facts behind the other person's success. The failure like all of the guys say is the stepping stone of success and failure in not only the holy factor. Even, sacrifices are the most important things which make you great in life. Always, think that a good is going to happen next to a bad. Badness, illness, fear all are just passing clouds. They are all temporary and even success is also temporary you can't always depend on it. The one thing that is permanent is you and the way you are molded matters. Never ever doubt yourself confidence is key to success, the most horrible that can happen to a man is losing his confidence. You don't have to be the best, just try to be the best this will lead you to a long road to which the successful person in life has to has to take in order to be successful. If life isn't working for you let it be. Try something else. Try something that no one else has dared to try. If there is a life no there, chances are its working for someone. Why not you ? You want to ask yourself if you are brave enough to take that risk.
If you are then do it! 
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